Principal’s Desk

Patience and perseverance are a couple of secrets to Success. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education. We Baselians aspire to reach and teach every student. It’s our responsibility to mould each and every bud to attain future goals. We envisages holistic education and assure the comfortable setting down and blending of each and every student. No one is left behind, all have the opportunity to identify their potential and choose the right carrier. It’s not just a place to read and write but we teach a way to live a life, how to carry yourself in the world and lead an admirable life.
Dear student, learning makes a perfect man. If you have dream, wish and goal in your study carrier then you will go to a higher level in life. To achieve your target, obviously you have to struggle and pursue. Nothing is possible without hard work, persistence and pursuit. Be grateful for whatever you have. Express gratitude and feel more optimistic and happier. Respect yourself, your parent, your teachers and everyone in your surroundings. Be a kind person and very organized student. Success has no shortcut, hence be responsible, sincere and creative. Wish that the present and the coming years will be the brightest years of your life.
Shyja P Principal